Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The legal age for UV bed tanning in Texas is 18 years old.
There is no age limit for UV free spray tanning.
In Texas, there is a strict 24 rule for indoor tanning.
If you are unsure what time you tanned the previous day, you can call any location and ask for your last tan time!
The only way to truly know the answer to this questions is to let one of our Smart Tan trained team members recommend your tan time, based on your skin type.
Each bed has a recommended exposure schedule for each skin type.
A good rule of thumb is to never EVER go more than half the full time of the bed your first time, and never increase more than 2 minutes at a time!
All packages and memberships can be used at any Florida Tans location!
Dry skin acts as a barrier, reflecting the first few minutes of each session.
Using a tanning lotion will not only moisturize your skin, but will allow the UV rays to start working within the first 30 seconds of your session, enhance your results, and restore and rejuvenate your skin!
We offer level 5 tanning at our Beaumont and Lumberton location.
These extra large beds have adjustable face & shoulder tanners, lots of room to move around or flip, aromatherapy mist, dual acrylics to ensure your backside doesn't get too hot, adjustable face and body fans, built in AC, and that's just the start!
Level 5 is the best way to get the color you need in a hurry.
LEVEL 4 - Level 4 beds are a step down from level 5, and just a few more minutes. They are designed for upmost comfort during your tanning session, with an acrylic contoured for comfort.
We also have a no burn high pressure mattress bed at our Nederland location, for those who prefer high pressure tanning.
LEVEL 3 - These beds are widely loved, and a customer favorite. They are larger that the traditional bed, 3x as strong, and only 12 minutes long. They also offer a stand up option.
Our base bed is level 1, which is a 20 minute session. A level 1 tanner will usually need to come 4-5 times a week to get, and maintain color. If it is your first session in this bed in the most recent 30 days, we recommend not starting out with more than 10 minutes, or less for very fair members.
We offer level 2 beds with & without face lamps. These beds are similar in size and style of our level 1 beds, but are stronger and faster, with an only 15 minute session.
We have Mystic Tan booths at all 3 locations, available 7 days a week for spray tanning with no appointment needed. These booths are top of the line, and give flawless results each time.
If you prefer a more customized spray, let one of our trained airbrush tanning technicians give you the custom color you need for all your special events.
We use Norvell Venetian solution for all of our spray tans.
Available at all locations, no appointment needed.
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